Use product reviews on Smoothie to its fullest.

Smoothie’s Review Widget helps complete your user journey.

Whenever people use your product, encourage them to write a review on Smoothie. Users on Smoothie will see this and this will help drive new user acquisition.

web3 user journey.png

Review Widget

With our Review Widget, you can add Smoothie reviews to your product.

63% of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a site which has user reviews.

Reviews act as endorsements and build strong social proof.


Here's also an example from Web3 Antivirus:


Automate Your Review Collecting

85% of consumers consider reviews more than three 3 months old to be irrelevant.

With our Review Widget, you can also embed the below image to automate your review collecting. Link this to your Smoothie product page and encourage your power users to leave a review.

Integrate this into your product and communication channels!

This is called the Always-On Approach 👍